From our family to yours I would like to introduce to you Giselle’s Herbal Infusions. Herbal infused Oils made with Organic oils, Organic herbs, Essential Oils and Love. You want something you can trust; it comes straight from the Earth without modifications.
Our Herbal Infused Oils are cured for 4 to 6 weeks with the finest herbs like Calendula, Comfrey, Lavender, Rosemary, Echinacea, Yarrow Root, Marshmallow Root, Chamomile, Chickweed, and Turmeric and Ginger.
Our Organic Oils include; Sweet Almond, Grapeseed, Hemp, and Jojoba.
Did you know that Comfrey can speed up the healing of tissue, sprains, broken bones, bruises, and wounds? Well guess what it can be found in our oils. Lavender, a popular scent; promotes calmness and wellness. It is also known to reduce stress, anxiety, and mild pain. Lavender, the raw herb can be found in our oils. All Giselle’s Herbal Infused Oils items are defined through a significant and careful process, we are bringing the best of nature to your home.
The process consists of merging the herbs and oils together. It is a long process, but the company does what is best for our customer. We need to add to the world and generations to come better natural living choices that last longer than we will. This is an evolutionary product. Hope you enjoy our family’s herbal recipe as much as we do.
Gaeden Evans
Chief Writer, Media Relations