Our Staff
Get To Know Us
The team at Giselle's Herbal Infusions is experienced, skilled, but most of all, friendly. Janelle is a certified Master Herbalist and Giselle is the inspiration behind the products.
Janelle Evans
Co - Founder
I am a passionate woman on a quest for natural healing for myself and my family and I want to share with the world what mother nature has here for us to heal our bodies.  A Certified Master Herbalist who is excited to share our Herbal Infused Oils with you and your family on your personal healing journey. Thank you!
Giselle Evans
Co - Founder
Master Creator who is energetic and full of life. As I began living a more holistic life I saw my eczema disappear. My skin is soft and rejuvenated. I enjoy assisting my mother with our company because I know everyone who receives our oils will be happy like me about the results of their skin.
The team here at Giselle's Herbal Infusions is ready and waiting to hear from you.